He Deserves FIRST Place

It’s funny how we can make room for every other thing in our life except God. We systematically, strategically, tactically plan our days and ultimately our life with little or no thought about God’s place in it. Someone calls this planning God out of your life. Don’t you think it’s surprising how we expect God to make us a priority and meet our every need when we only make him the last resort, a mere option? You think about everything you want to achieve within a period of time before you’re now like “ah, God has not entered this list o”, then you barely makes it into your list with just a few minutes allocated to him, or as just a mere “plan b”.

Alas brethren, is that all he deserves? We get preoccupied with so much of the cares of this life (our jobs, school work, relationships, plans and the what the future holds that we forget the one who owns us and the entire universe altogether. You see most times all this is because of how much we worry about our needs, but you see he already told us about how worrying doesn’t change a thing. “so don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need

It’s so easy for us to give excuses in church or personally to God but are so cautious about passing similar excuses to our bosses at work, or lecturers in school and so on. What a pitiable malady that has eaten deep into the present day church, little wonder we are yet to see a lasting revival in this present age. We many times call on the God of Elijah, but He looks down and asks the very question “who shall I send?”. Where are the present day “Elijahs”? Isn’t it funny how we think we can bribe God with our seeds and tithes but starve Him of quality time with us? Have you ever thought about tithing your life? I mean you every single day on earth. You have twenty-four hours in each day, but how much of it do you allocate to God? Can you decide today to out of your love for him give a tithe of your 24hours to him? Be it in prayers, study, evangelism etc. Don’t forget He deserves FIRST PLACE in our lives. True sons seek FIRST the advancement of their father’s kingdom in everything they do.

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