Begin Both to Receive and Do

Good morning friends hope we all had a lovely night rest. Well, I was just thinking last night about the quality of life we live as Christians considering the number of meetings we’ve attended, studies we’ve done, encounters we’ve had, impartions we’ve gone through. Sincerely, if we look critically the early church was under similar programs, most likely not even as much as we have in our day but were all firebrands causing havoc to the kingdom darkness as well as saints representing the kingdom of light with the kind of lives they lived. This was so much evident that they were called “Christians”, a point of mockery or not at least they were attributed to Christ.

We’ve become in our day does who are ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth, simply because we’ve not decided to doggedly be doers of the word and not hearers only. You see we listen to messages, study for ourselves and get to “high” on the word but when the whole ecstasy clears so does what we just learned, received or celebrated.

But what if we could make a resolution to let the word sink into our spirits and not remain only as a tingling in our minds, what if we could decide to be doers of every one of those words we receive.

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