Hello friends, hope we didn’t miss me so much, I know it’s been a while since I posted an article. Well, no excuse is worth making for not being a blessing to the lives around you, so my sincere apologies. I trust you’ve enjoyed fresh bread for yourself, right?

Now talking about fresh bread for yourself, have you ever wondered why you speak the way you do? Why you act the way you do? Why you think the way you do? Why things bother you the way they do? Why your life is where it is? The list of questions is endless but one answer could serve for them all in most cases, which simply is – you’re a product of your investments. You don’t get it? Alright back to our fresh bread talk, do you know that the way most people look is as a result of what, how or when they eat? On natural terms you don’t expect someone who mostly gobbles up junk food to look as healthy and nourished as one who diligently lives on a balanced diet. Well, our mind doesn’t work any less different as it is as healthy as what we feed it. It’s whatever we invest into it that produces what it ends up being made up of – making us ultimately the product of our investments. People say you can’t sow maize seeds and expect to reap millets, show me what you’re planting today and I’ll tell you what you’ll reap tomorrow.

Our mind is a very powerful part of our being as humans, it derives its strength and vitality from the quality as much as quantity of information it is exposed to. It has the capacity to chart the path of our lives as humans, our spirits connected to God notwithstanding. Shocked are you? You see our mind works similar to the Central Processing Unit of a computer, it receives instructions from the spirit or the body and determines the next line of action(s). It processes the received instructions based on what it has been preprogramed with by the spirit or body via books read, moments of communion with God, sermons heard, discussions had, movies watched, pictures/videos seen etc. In computer terms Garbage In, Garbage Out, implies that the computer doesn’t read your intentions for the input whatsoever; it reads the input exactly as it is, processes it and produces the results exactly based on the input. So our minds work directly with whatever we feed it with to pattern our thoughts, actions and all that surrounds our life. Why do you act the way you do? It’s a matter of the mind. In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable (Philippians 4:8, GNB).

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