A good morning to you all fiends, hope we rested well. Alright, so here I was returning home one evening when I was drawn to a bit of a drama scene that was taking place across the road. There was this lad putting up a fuss with his mother in the bid to get her to let go of his hands as they walked along the road, he huffed and he puffed and eventually she let go. It was quite a funny sight though and from the look of things he was still a bambino. Well, I trust Nigerian mothers (most likely any loving mother though *big grin*) she would have later picked him or made sure she found a way to hold his hand.I had walked far past them but the whole scene still played in my head and I got thinking, probably the lad had sat in front of a TV screen watching cartoons for so long that he feels his smart enough to walk the road alone, or is he even aware of the many dangers he’s exposed to just being part of the pedestrian traffic? What if something went wrong? He could have tripped over a stone or something even worse.

It all got me to linking it to our relationship with God. Those times when we think we can play Mr. wise guy. You see God is not called Alpha Omega for the sake having a name to depict his sovereignty and mightiness, He’s been around this paths since ages past and dwells loftily in ages to come. This is why many times He stretches forth His hand to us expecting that we would hold on to Him and let Him lead the way. But many times like the young lad we put up a fuss with him, we put our trust in our frail selves or feeble men rather than our all sufficient Father. Take a look at your life’s journey so far, how many times have you chosen to tread this path on your own leaving God out of it? Do you remember that time you went into that relationship without His consent? That time you took that job before you consulted Him? Or when you and the guys started the project and left God out of the whole plan? Those times when you sat beside your bed fretting day and night about how you’re yet to get a husband? Those times you cried out angrily at God cos you felt He had forsaken you? Oh if only you would just listen through rackety situations and discern His voice calling on to you “Hold my hand little one”.

So does it seem like you’ve pushed the father away? Are on the path of life but feel all alone? Have you taken decisions in life all by yourself which you now regret? Well, no need to fret, no need to worry, just stretch out your hands to the father and cry out to Him for help. That’s all he needs to see and He’ll be right there to help you.


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